Consider the wavefunction formalism of quantum mechanics, where a function Phi maps tuples of the form to complex numbers. t is usually interpreted as time and x1, x2, ... (which are themselves 3-tuples) as positions of particles. Suppose then, this wavefunction represents an infinite set of physical systems for every possible t, where each system is three-dimensional and have no extent in time. There is no transtemporal identity for these systems, meaning one cannot say that one system at time t "is" another system at time t’. (Therefore no causal structure is possible.) Every system contains n particles, and the measure of the subset of systems at time t with particles at positions x1, x2, ..., xn is |Phi(t, x1, x2, ..., xn)|^2. If the wavefunction takes other parameters such as spin states, these are summed over (i.e. Sum_over_all_y |Phi(t, y, x1, x2, ..., xn)|^2). All possible structures that can be encoded in the positions of no more than n particles, including presumably human beings if n is large enough, appear in these infinite sets of systems. But some structures appear “more often” or have larger measures than others, and from this we can understand the probabilistic predictions of quantum mechanics. For example, consider a wavefunction that represents an experiment in which the experimenter measures the z-spin of a particle in the state (|up>+|down>)/Sqrt(2). At t=0, all systems include an experimenter who is about to measure the z-spin of the particle. At t=2, half of the systems include an experimenter who remembers observing spin-up and half of them include an experimenter who remembers observing spin-down.